Saturday, April 12, 2014

What To Watch?

Here are some of my favorite YoutTube clips that I've come across. They range from great unknown singing artist to some other hilarious people. Let me know in the comments below what you think of these clips.

This first clip is Christina Grimme singing "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus for an audition on the hit television show "The Voice". She does a great cover and makes this song her own by putting a twist on it. In the end all the judges are fighter for her to be on their team. Watch the clip to see who she ends up picking as her mentor!
This next clip feature another singer Holly Henry who is audition for The Voice and gives her audition cover of the song "The Scientist" by "Cold Play". She is a shy singer songwriter. Within the first couple of word one judge presses their button and wants her on their team. Just listen to the first couple second of her singing and its just magical. Eventually all four judges turn around and want her on their team.
This is an amazing clip from the show "Wheel of Fortune" as this contestant tries to solve the final puzzle. Its a three letter word and he only has 2 letters while he needs to figure out the puzzle. The category is "thing" so it could be anything. He manages to solve the puzzle in a few seconds and everyone is so amazed at how fast he solved the difficult phrase. The host Pat even jokes around and searches the contestant for any wire that he might have used to cheated. The host later goes on saying that it was one of the most amazing things he's ever seen while his entire time hosting the show.

One of the grossest shots ever made by my favorite Youtuber "tipsybartender". This shot is not your ordinary shot, although it does include vodka it also has a mix of other ingredients such as fries, a burger, coke and other interesting things. Watch the clip to see if "Sky" the host can get down this tricky shot!

Another drink created by tipsybartender is called the lava lamp. This is definitely more drinkable then the Kim Jong-Un shot. Watch the clip to see why they call this delicious drink the lava lamp. 

This last clip is hilarious, a little background is a bunch of guys playing this game online where one person is a creature that tries to kill the rest of the players who are soldiers. As you will see one of the player begin to imitate Morgan Freeman and the rest of the players begin to burst out laughing.
I hope you found these clips entertaining as much as I did. If you have any funny youtube videos leave a link in the comments below.