Friday, February 28, 2014

Meeting YouTube Celebrities!

Just another day at work...

So just a little background info, there is group 5 guys on youtube called "our2ndlife" which has over 1.4 million subscribers. This group consist of notable youtubers such as Conner Franta, Ricky Dillion and others who create weekly theme and challenge youtube videos. They are currently on a tour called "digittour 2014" which is a youtuber/music festival. This tour is traveling throughout the state from Hawaii, Washington, New York, and many more places. Their first stop being here in Hawaii for the first time. While I knew they would be in town this week I had no desire to pay $25 dollar, and I don't really watch their youtube videos either. So I thought that if I see them I see them but if I don't, life goes on...little did I know.

I work at the Honolulu Cookie Company in Waikiki so I thought that of course I would probably have a higher chance of seeing them because most likely they would walk around Waikiki and who wouldn't want to go into a cookie shop for free cookies. While at the register ringing up a a customer, out of the corner of my eye I see someone who looks familiar. At first he looks familiar but is wearing sunglasses, then his friend walk in next to him and then I know for sure who it is. Its fellow youtubers  who are friends with the our2ndlife group, Tyler Oakley (with the sunglasses) and Troy Sivan. Tyler Oakley a very popular youtube with almost 4 million, thats right 4 million subscribers and Troy Sivan with 1.7 million subscribers. I also had seen Tyler and Troy as guest in some youtube videos that I watch such a Mamrie Hearts channel "you deserve a drink" in a video called "Edward forty hands". If you wanna watch it heres the link, it pretty funny

Apparently they were here because they hosted the digitour and interview our2ndlife on stage at the festival. This being what I learned by striking up a conversation with them. I also ended up getting a picture with them too, while other fans ended up coming into the store, once other people found them. Just another exciting day working in Waikiki...